Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Jen is my sister. She is athletic and a medical professional.

Al’ ler Jen – Why Jen sneezes when dusting. "Allergen"

Car cin’ o Jen – When Jen cuts one in the back seat, ultimately resulting in a sinus cancer. "Car sin o' Jen"

Con Jen’ i tal – Jen ‘s innate ability to talk you out of, or into, anything. "Con Jen it all"

Cry o Jen’ ic – What you hear when Jen gets something gross in her Dippin’ Dots. "Cry o' Jen: ick"

Cur mud’ Jen – The personality of Jen when she gets schmutz on her shoe. "Crrr mud Jen"

Dun Jen’ – The dark hole where you contemplate what you’ve done, and the status of your relationship, after defying Jen’s rule. "Dungeon"

Jen’ der – When Jen thinks something is totally obvious and a boy doesn’t. "Jen: Der!"

Jen’ er al – What Jen is when a bunch of people do whatever Jen says. "General"

Jen’ er a list – All the trivial stuff that same bunch of people do. "General list"

Jen er a li za’ tion – The arbitrary act of succumbing to the power of Jen. "Generaliztion"

Jen’ er a ly – Overall, Jen’s command of the South during the civil war. "General Lee"

Jen er a’ tion – ‘round about 20 year age span of people heavily influenced by Jen and all that implies. "Generation"

Jen’ e rat or – coiled wire + magnets + attached to giant hamster wheel + Jen + Reeses Peanut Butter Cups on a stick. Run, Jen, run! "Generator"

Jen er’ ic – The indescriminate foul smell of Jen before she showers. "Jen air: ick"

Jen’ o cide – “Waiter, I’ll have the Prime Rib with… oooo! Jenocide! You have just got to try this! To die for!” "Jen o' side"

Jen er o’ si ty – Giving in large amounts to Jen out of the goodness of your heart…or pity. "Generosity"

Jen’ er ous – What it comes down to in a revolt against Jen, and you just decide to give her all of it. "Jen or us?"

Jen’ e sis – Theresa, Cindy, Chrissy and Jen gettin’ together and startin’ somethin’. "Jenny sis"

Jen e’ tic – The reason inferior little parasites must die after sampling Jen’s DNA. "Jenny tick"

Jen e’ ti cist – Jen’s contribution to your lay-up playing hoops, for a team of people who study DNA. "Jen net assist"

Jen e’ tics – What you will experience futiley trying to score goals against Jen’s God-given abilities. "Jen net ticks"

Jen’ i tal – what short people think looking up at Jen. "Jenny tall"

Jen’ i tive – a case in which you must give Jen what she wants. "Genitive"

Jent – Jen’s arm charm. "Gent"

Jen teel’ – The particular shade of green you will turn when Jen daintily asuages her frustration with your crap. "Jen teal"

Jen’ tle – The way Jen pets the rabbits in Of Mice and Jen. "Gentle"

Jen’ u flect – the reason and particular way in which you have to duck when Jen picks her nose. "Jen you flicked"

Jen’ u ine – The quality of receiving the Jen, the whole Jen, and nothing but the Jen. "Genuine"

Nor we’ Jen – the ancestral heritage from whence Jen gets her lickety-split grasp of the obvious and her rapier witt. Sharp as a tack, dat Jen. "Norwegian"

Oxy Jen’ – What you will be sucking after a tug-o-war against Jen. "Oxygen"

Path’ o Jen – 1) The route of the epic journey Jen takes to rid the world of cooties. 2) Another name for cooties . 3) The word I happen to see on a first aid kit that started this whole thing. "Path o' Jen"

Stur’ Jen – Unique and ancient fish lounging in deep cool water that will bite your dumb ass for disturbing it. "Sturgeon"

Sur’ Jen – Jen takin’ charge in the operating room. "Sir Jen"

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite posts. I created it in layers. The last layer was to be sure that I at least alluded to the real word's definition while still poking fun at the Jen syllable.
