Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Daily Blog 2010-05-20

I've got this thing on my mind. It seemed the best thing to do was to express it. And since no one really reads this blog anyway, I'm just gonna use this thing. I am exercising this summer. Actually, there's a diet/exercise thing going on. So, this is me working through that...

Blog, blog, blog...
Distance: No idea. The plan was to pedal up hills for an hour.
Time: an hour
Weight: 188 lbs.
MP3 Highlights: None. Didn't take it with me -- regrettably...

Today I had the idea to climb a longer hill rather than the steeper, shorter hill so many times. So, I rode up 5th Ave NW. It slopes for all 12 blocks, but the real hill is from 9th St to 12th St.

For some reason, when I had this idea I thought I would not have to climb the hill very many times over the hour. If I had done the math, though, I would have realized that the section I was riding was from 6th St to 12th St or only 6 blocks. I have been told that a mile is about 12 blocks. I really should verify that. Anyway, that means it's only 1/2 mile to climb the hill, and only half of that is really climbing. So... I probably climbed the hill 12 times.

It felt productive, though. It felt like I feel when I run. It required me to push myself, but was not overly exhausting. It would be nice to have a hill like that 6 miles long, so I wouldn't get the chance to coast back down over and over.

Or, if my knee will just cooperate so I can actually train for running by running. Yeah, that seems more reasonable than a massive geologic phenomenon...

But, that's it. Tomorrow is Friday. The event is Saturday morning, so I will not be training tomorrow. I'll let you know how the event went, in the end.

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